Intenté captar la fluidez y los movimientos circulares, y también quería darle un toque como abocetado... No estoy segura de haberlo conseguido, pero he hecho lo que he podido.
Están haciendo un Munetsuki kaiten nage, por cierto. No es que eso le importe a nadie. XD
Ha sido la primera vez en AÑOS que he usado mis acuarelas "normales". Siempre he estado usándo las anilinas desde que las empezamos a usar en la escuela de cómic, pero ahora quería desenterrar mi cajita de acuarelas "secas" otra vez. Sigue siendo igual de divertido pintar con ellas! =D
Pintar las hakamas (los pantalones anchos esos) fue especialmente divertido. Bueno, en general la ropa, con los pliegues fluidos siguiéndo el movimiento. ^^
For a while now I've been wanting to do a painting about Aikido, ever since like, 2 or 3 years ago, and finally I actually got to do something about it. :P
I tried to capture the fluid movements and circular motion, and I also wanted a sort of sketchy and loose feeling for it... I'm not sure if I succeeded, but I did what I could.
They're doing a Munetsuki kaiten nage, by the way. Not that anyone cares. XD
It's been the first time in YEARS that I've used my regular watercolors again, too. I've always been using the liquid ones ever since we started using those at the comic school, but now I wanted to dig out my good old "dry" watercolors again. So much fun to paint with watercolors! =D
Painting their hakamas (those baggy pants-thingies) was especially fun. Well, all of the clothes really, with all those folds following the movement. ^^
This image is available for sale in my ToonPool Shop for download (for professional use), on poster and on t-shirt!
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