Wednesday, August 30, 2006


About one month ago I went to Darmstadt in Germany, to some kind of meeting of drawers from the online cummunity Animexx (
They do this every year, but unfortunately I hadn't been able to go there for the last 2 years because I live in Spain, and well, that makes it complicated.

But it was great to see all those people again and meet others I didn't know yet! :D

We spent 3 great days there together, grettings to all of you, in case anyone reads this! ^^

This is a picture I made for the meeting:

Between all of us who brought a picture with us we drew lots and it now belongs to... darn, I wish I knew who it belongs to now, but I'm afraid I forgot... =____=
How embarassing. If anyone remembers, please tell me! :O


  1. Olé olé esas Hysui y Riuky! (lo he escrito bien por primera vez en mi vida?)

    Se nota que ya conoces bien a esos personajes, te cuesta tanto dibujarlos como respirar, y qué cachondas son!

    Como apunte negativo... el árbol de la izquierda es muy chiquitajo ;)

  2. Hey, me molan esas dos...Dime que son menores, jejejeje. Mu chulo pero tu tienes mas cosas por ahi.
    Gracias por no escribir en español XP

  3. Me gusta el color que les pusistes a estas dos en unas paginas que hicimos hace ya... creo que era tercero..
    pon mas cosillas y a color!!!
